With our Body Fat Analyzer, all you have to do is enter specific
information about yourself (i.e. height, weight, age and sex), touch the
sensor pads, and the scanner determines your body fat percentage using
electronic resistance. Analyzer holds information in a databank for up
to six different users and features a 12/24-hour alarm clock and an
easy-to-read LCD screen. Available in metallic silver with chrome trim and the Live Healthy America logo imprinted in black.
Operates on two AAA batteries (included).
Item Size: 2 1/2"w x 3 7/8"h x 1/2"d
Quantity | 25 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500 | 1,000 |
Price / Each | $6.55 | $5.99 | $5.59 | $5.29 | $5.05 | $4.95 |
Minimum Quantity Order: 25
Production Time:
7 Business Days Plus Shipping Time. If you need to request a rush order for this item please add the item to the shopping cart and click on the "Rush My Order" checkbox at the checkout page.